Otjiherero Service (Omurari) of the NBC had it’s first broadcast on the 1 December 1969 and was part of South African Broadcasting Corporation, SABC.The Service then joined the South West Africa Broadcasting Corporation SWABC in 1980 and upon the attainment of Independence in 1990 the station was among those radio stations that transformed to the Namibia Broadcasting Corporation, under the guidance of an independent Board of the NBC.
The Station serves all Namibian Communities under the Otjiherero as a language in all corners of the country and abroad with quality programs on FM. The Radio is live from 05H00 in the morning till 24HOO, bringing its listeners a variety of interesting programmes.
Location and Frequency
Broadcast from Windhoek on 101.7
Social media links
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nbc.omurari
Contact information
061 291 2429 / 061 291 2457